Zhangjiagang Jinri Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd
Add:Yongli village,Leyu town,Zhangjiagang city,Jiangsu province,China
International:+86-0512-56350962/0086 15851631082
PET Rinser Filler Capper for Fruit Juice and Tea

For filling fruit juice and tea, we adopt hot filling technology. Capacity ranges from 3000 bottles per hour to 32,000 bottles per hour.

1. Centre filling valves used which are designed for maximum flow rate and minimum bottle distortion during Hot filling.
2. Inbuilt CIP arrangement provided on the machine for fill tank and fill valve sanitation.
3. Dummy caps provided fitting on all filling valves during CIP.
4. Automatic PLC controlled valve washing cycle before commencement of every production cycle for overall hygiene.
5. Unique filling cam designs which prevents filling up to the bottle collar without spillage. 
6. Bypass line provided for flushing the product fill tank after completion of CIP

For bottling hot filled juices in PET bottles, the perform weight and the bottle design are of critical importance. Using heavier perform retards bottle distortion and greater wall thickness. Vertical ribs placed longitudinally across the bottle impart rigidity to the bottle which is a prerequisite when the juice is hot filled.


In addition to the Filling System, we also provide complete filling lines as required. Please contact our factory for further information. Contact us for more detail>>>